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Comprehensive Plan

Intergovernment Coordination




Coordinate the Comprehensive Plan, the plans of the school board, other units of local government providing services, but not having regulatory authority over the use of land, and with the comprehensive plans of municipalities within the County, and adjacent counties.

Policy 1.1.1     Pursuant to Section 1.5 of the Alachua County Charter, the County and any municipality may enter into an interlocal agreement to provide for joint planning in portions of the unincorporated area not located within any area designated pursuant to general or special law as a reserve for annexation by another municipality or in portions of the area within such municipality.

Policy 1.1.2        Alachua County shall consider the use of joint planning agreements and joint processes with municipalities for review of annexations and development proposals for inclusion as part of the inter-local agreements to implement this element.

Policy 1.1.3      Alachua County shall develop with the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, the Florida Department of Transportation, the cities of Alachua, Archer, Gainesville, Hawthorne, High Springs, LaCrosse, Micanopy, Newberry, and Waldo; Bradford, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, and Putnam Counties; Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, and Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council coordination mechanisms to address inter-jurisdictional comprehensive planning issues.

Policy 1.1.4           The School Board of Alachua County shall locate sites for new public schools consistent with the criteria in the Future Land Use Element for siting new public school facilities. In order to facilitate coordination between the School Board and the County:

(a)          Alachua County shall continue to participate at a staff level in the School Planning Advisory Committee or other such committees of the Alachua County School Board and coordinate through the Elected Officials’ Group and Staff Workgroup to ensure coordination of their comprehensive development plans with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and to address the concept of neighborhood school districts as identified in the Countywide Visioning and Planning Committee Conceptual Plan Objectives. Determinations of the consistency of new school sites proposed by the School Board of Alachua County as required by Chapter 1013, F.S., shall be made in accordance with procedures identified in an inter-local agreement between the School Board and Alachua County, and as identified in the Public School Facilities Element.

(b)         Alachua County shall coordinate with the School Board of Alachua County through the Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee and other committees to explore the expanded use of public school facilities for recreation and to develop and implement a standard use agreement.

(c)          Alachua County staff shall coordinate with the School Board staff on methodologies for population projections, from which public school enrollment projections are made.  Alachua County staff shall also coordinate with School Board staff on the geographic distribution of enrollment projections as part of the School Board’s annual Enrollment Projections & Capacity Analysis Report.

(d)         Alachua County shall solicit specific comments from the School Board on public schools that could be attended by children in proposed new residential developments, including the current and projected capacity and enrollment of such schools.  This information shall be included in staff reports on items before the Local Planning Agency and Development Review Committee.

(e)          The County Commission and the School Board shall meet periodically to address issues of mutual concern including consideration of impact fees for schools.

Policy 1.1.5       Alachua County shall institute meetings with appropriate County, municipal, library and other professional staff to assist in coordination of the comprehensive development plans of the Alachua County Library District with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan.

Policy 1.1.6      Alachua County shall to promote intergovernmental coordination through regular joint meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and the Commissions of the municipalities within Alachua County.  The County shall also work with the municipalities to update the 2005 Conceptual Land Use Plan prepared by the Countywide Visioning and Planning Committee (CVPC) and implement the Conceptual Plan Objectives developed by the CVPC and updated in 2009.

Policy 1.1.7      

(a)        Development of University of Florida properties designated in the Campus Master Plan and included in the Campus Development Agreement (CDA) shall be consistent with the CMP and CDA.  Development of any University of Florida properties in unincorporated Alachua County, not covered by the CMP shall be consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan.

(b)         The County shall implement transportation modifications, intended to mitigate the impact of development under the CMP and funded by the Board of Regents, in accordance with the Campus Development Agreement.

Policy 1.1.8     Alachua County shall promote its Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program as provided in Section 9.0 of the Future Land Use Element and shall encourage the municipalities within the County to participate in a countywide TDR program through the adoption of interlocal agreements.

Policy 1.1.9    Alachua County, with other local, regional and state agencies, will prepare and implement hazard mitigation plans to reduce and minimize the exposure of Alachua County citizens and local economy to future natural or man-induced disasters or hazards. This interagency process will seek grant funding for projects listed in the County’s adopted Local Mitigation Strategy.


Establish mechanisms to address the resolution of intergovernmental issues related to impacts of development proposed in the comprehensive plan upon municipalities within the County, adjacent counties, the region and the state.

Policy 2.1.1     Alachua County shall continue to review proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for consistency with the North Central Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan (NCFSRPP), including protection of Resources and Facilities of Regional Significance identified in that Plan, and the State Comprehensive Plan.

Policy 2.1.2     Per F.S. 163.3184, Alachua County shall submit all proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to the state land planning agency, North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, the appropriate water management district, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department of Transportation.

Policy Alachua County shall continue to review proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for consistency with the North Florida Regional Water Supply Plan and the Joint Alachua County/City of Gainesville Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 2018-2028.

Policy 2.1.3      Alachua County shall continue to notify and consult with the following entities when there is any proposed development that could have an impact on that entity before action is taken on the proposed development.  Comments by these entities will be incorporated into the appropriate development reports.

(a)          Municipalities in Alachua County,

(b)         North Central Florida Regional Planning Council,

(c)          School Board of Alachua County,

(d)         Gainesville/Alachua County Regional Airport Authority,

(e)          State Department of Environmental Protection (local office),

(f)          State Department of Transportation,

(g)          St. Johns River Water Management District,

(h)         Suwannee River Water Management District,

(i)           University of Florida, and

(j)           Local utility companies including Gainesville Regional Utilities, Clay Electric, and Progress Energy.

Policy 2.1.4     Alachua County shall, per Chapter 163, F.S., coordinate with entities within the County on siting of facilities with County-wide significance, including locally unwanted land uses whose nature and identity are established through inter-local or other formal agreement within one year of adopting the update of this element.

Policy 2.1.5       In the case when a proposed development has been determined to be incompatible with the comprehensive plan of another governmental unit, Alachua County and the governmental unit shall work together to resolve this conflict in the following manner:

(a)          Staff at all levels in all departments shall initially work with staff of the other governmental unit.

(b)         If there is not a satisfactory resolution at staff level, then the Department Head shall notify the County Manager who shall notify the Board of County Commissioners.  The Board may create an ad-hoc committee comprised of members of both governmental units if that process is mutually agreeable, or may request to use the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council’s informal mediation process established pursuant to S. 186.509, F.S., or any other mutually acceptable mediation process.

Policy 2.1.6       In order to assist in the assessment of development orders and coordination of access management on state road facilities, a Florida Department of Transportation representative shall continue to be invited to serve as a non-voting member of the County's Development Review Committee.

Policy 2.1.7        As provided for in the Transportation Mobility Element, Alachua County and the Florida Department of Transportation shall further coordinate access management per F.S. 335.181.

Policy 2.1.8     Alachua County shall coordinate its Comprehensive Plan and implementing land development regulations with municipalities by using appropriate and relevant municipal land development regulations as a reference point and, to the extent possible, utilizing corresponding terminology and categories.

Policy 2.1.9        Alachua County shall continue to coordinate with the Department of General Services and other State agencies involved with permitting State facilities through the Development Review Committee site plan approval process.



Coordinate planning activities mandated by the various elements of the comprehensive plan with other local governments, school boards, other units of local government providing services but not having regulatory authority over the use of land, the region and the state.

Policy 3.1.1      Alachua County shall coordinate the timing and location of capital improvement projects, as provided for in Objective 1.1 and implementing policies of the Capital Improvements Element.

Policy 3.1.2         Alachua County shall coordinate with private groups, the School Board, municipalities in the County, the State and the Federal Government on the implementation of a County-wide park system as provided for in Objective 1.2 and its implementing policies and policy 1.3.2 of the Recreation Element.

Policy 3.1.3          Alachua County shall coordinate the implementation of aviation-related activities as provided for in the Transportation Element.

Policy 3.1.4         In order to ensure adequate provision of utilities for proposed land uses in the Comprehensive Plan, Alachua County shall continue to include utility companies on the County's Development Review Staff Committee.

Policy 3.1.5     Alachua County shall facilitate and encourage partnerships and strategies with municipalities to address affordable housing needs on a Countywide basis building upon the established State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program implemented through the County’s Local Housing Assistance Plan. Strategies shall focus on methods to promote distribution of affordable housing opportunities throughout the County through integration of other available State and Federal housing assistance and implementation of measures such as “fair share” housing allocation criteria to ensure availability of a mix of housing types, including lower cost housing, with accessibility to employment and services.


Coordinate with all municipalities on annexations and related service delivery and planning issues.  

Policy 4.1.1     Annexation in Alachua County shall be in accordance with Chapter 171 of Florida Statutes.

Policy 4.1.2     Alachua County shall coordinate with all municipalities to ensure that proposed annexations meet the requirements of Chapter 171, Part I, Florida Statutes, and to ensure the efficient provision of public services to County residents.


Coordinate the provision of services and information.

Policy 5.1.1    Alachua County shall continue to establish through inter-local agreement an information exchange network among governmental agencies to:

(a)          establish common data bases.

(b)         promote compatibility between geographic information systems.

(c)          establish regular and ongoing provision of service, geographic and other informational maps.

Policy 5.1.2     Alachua County shall maintain a data base of all inter-local and other formal agreements in order to provide a listing of such agreements and their expiration dates, so their renewal may be anticipated and occur on a timely basis.

Policy 5.1.3    Once the data base is established, Alachua County shall work to develop a consistent format for its inter-local agreements.

Policy 5.1.4     Alachua County shall maintain the use of inter-local agreements for the provision of services across jurisdictional boundaries as outlined in Policy 5.1.7.

Policy 5.1.5     Alachua County shall continue to be a member of the Regional Trauma Agency staffed by the North Central Florida Health Planning Council in order to improve inter-County emergency medical services and shall encourage all its adjacent counties to also become members of the Regional Trauma Agency.

Policy 5.1.6      Alachua County shall consider the updates of the FSUTMS model used by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for the Gainesville urbanized area upon their availability in its annual review and update of traffic improvement needs.

Policy 5.1.7     Alachua County shall continue to pursue developing and implementing inter-local agreements with municipalities on the following issues:

(a)          fire suppression services

(b)         law enforcement

(c)          emergency medical services

(d)         animal control

(e)          building inspection services

(f)          coordination of capital plans for centralized potable water and wastewater systems.

(g)          multi-modal approaches to transportation planning consistent with the Transportation Mobility Element

(h)           solid waste collection services

(i)            planning, zoning, and code enforcement services

(j)           social services

(k)          environmental services.

Policy 5.1.8     The County shall coordinate with municipalities and other providers of local public services and facilities in assessing opportunities for consolidation in the delivery of services where determined to be efficient and cost effective.  

Policy 5.1.9     Alachua County shall establish procedures for regular communication with utility companies to enhance coordination in the provision of service, the extension and location of lines and the setting of transmission facilities to serve development in the County.  This shall include (1) pursuit of strategies such as support and facilitation of cost-sharing arrangements among multiple property owners where needed to advance provision of municipal sanitary sewer and potable water facilities to new or existing development in the urban cluster; and (2) promoting infrastructure development in low-income areas as part of an economic development/community investment strategy to be developed in conjunction with Gainesville Regional Utilities.

Policy 5.1.10      Alachua County shall continue to negotiate inter-local agreements with its municipalities and Gilchrist County to provide capacity for solid waste disposal.   At a minimum the inter-local agreements shall:

(a)          Provide for sufficient disposal capacity to meet adopted level of service standards. This will be secured through an interlocal agreement for procurement of long term disposal capacity in a regional landfill.

(b)          Require annual monitoring reports on remaining years of disposal capacity to be prepared by Alachua County for use by the municipalities and Gilchrist County in determining that development orders issued by them meet the concurrency requirement.

(c)          Establish procedures for verification of disposal capacity with the County for developments of such magnitude which, due to their projected solid waste generation, would use more than a certain percentage of existing contracted disposal capacity.

Policy 5.1.11          Alachua County shall continue to negotiate inter-local agreements with its municipalities, the University of Florida, Santa Fe College and the School Board of Alachua County to coordinate recycling efforts.  Such inter-local agreements shall set forth methods of funding disbursement for Federal or State grants received for recycling programs.

Policy 5.1.12          In addition to the current inter-local arrangements between Alachua County and Gilchrist County, further regional approaches to Solid Waste management should continue to be assessed in terms of their potential for enhanced economies of scale and effectiveness as a means of managing solid waste in an environmentally sound manner.



Coordinate with relevant state or regional agencies, local governments, or other entities with operational and maintenance responsibility for such facilities in establishing levels of service standards and guidelines.

Policy 6.1.1           Alachua County shall coordinate with local governments that supply potable water and/or sanitary sewer services to the unincorporated area to implement the Joint Alachua County/City of Gainesville Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 2018-2028, level of service standards and concurrency management systems, as provided for in the policies of the Potable Water/Sanitary Sewer Element.

Policy 6.1.2           Alachua County shall pursue, through appropriate agreement, the appropriate recreational use of school facilities and utility corridors for use by Alachua County residents.

Policy 6.1.3       Alachua County will continue to work with the North Central Florida Regional Steering Committee in the Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process to forecast area aviation system needs.

Policy 6.1.4           Alachua County shall fully cooperate with both the St. Johns River and Suwannee River Water Management Districts in the development and implementation of the Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) program and the Save Our Rivers (SOR) program.

Policy 6.1.5       In accordance with the provisions of Sections 163.3177(12) and 163.3180, Florida Statutes, Alachua County shall coordinate with the School Board of Alachua County and the municipalities within the County to implement the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and the Public School Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to extend concurrency requirements to public schools.


Coordinate long range transportation planning and traffic circulation issues with relevant state and regional agencies and local governments.

Policy 7.1.1     Coordinate transportation modifications in accordance with the Transportation Mobility Element.

Policy 7.1.2       In establishing level of service standards for transportation facilities, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities for the indicated facilities:

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for County roads in the Gainesville urbanized area,

(c)          municipalities in Alachua County for County roads in the municipality, and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads, and

(e)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations.

Policy 7.1.3           Alachua County shall coordinate with the applicable entities regarding the designation by municipalities and adjacent counties of constrained or backlogged roadway facilities and standards for roads within any transportation concurrency exception areas (TCEAs) or transportation concurrency management areas (TCMAs) for the following types of facilities: 

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for roads within its jurisdiction,

(c)          adjacent counties for inter-county roads.

Policy 7.1.4         Alachua County will coordinate development of the transit component of the multi-modal transportation system detailed in the Transportation Mobility Element with municipalities, the Regional Transit System and other transportation providers, the Transportation disadvantaged programs, the Florida Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization.  This shall include review of routes and land uses for potential increases in transit usage through increases in density and intensity combined with new or expanded service, increased frequency, consideration of dedicated public transit corridors, and coordination with municipalities within Alachua County and adjacent counties to develop strategies which promote mass transit services for outlying areas (e.g., provision of express transit service and park and ride facilities).  Restoration and maintenance of a Regional Transit System bus route to the Gainesville Regional Airport shall be sought if feasible.

Policy 7.1.5             Transportation facility construction shall continue to be coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation on State roads in the unincorporated area and municipalities on County roads within municipalities to minimize adverse impacts on traffic flow and provide alternative routes and mobility options.

Policy 7.1.6        In order to assess and address intergovernmental traffic impacts and multi-modal approaches to transportation planning, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities concerning the indicated facilities:

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area;

(b)         municipalities in Alachua County for County roads within the municipality and municipal roads which may impact those County roads;

(c)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations;

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads;

(e)      Florida Department of Transportation, North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, and Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council to develop strategies (e.g., ride-sharing, park and ride facilities, etc.) to offset the impacts of commuter traffic on the County’s transportation network; this shall include efforts to maximize the effectiveness of the park and ride facility planned as part of FDOT’s SR 20 Intrastate expansion project, and

(f)          I-75 Corridor Council for I-75 from the Georgia State Line to Wildwood.


The coordination mechanisms shall include provisions for:

(a)          Periodic monitoring reports to be prepared by Alachua County for use by the Florida Department of Transportation in determining road improvement needs in their five-Year Work Program.

(b)        Periodic development action reports from the entity approving development orders that would result in additional traffic on County roads to monitor the capacity of County-maintained facilities and for use in Capital Improvement programming.

(c)        Procedures for verification with the County of road capacity for developments whose approval by the entity would generate traffic exceeding more than five percent (5%) of the maximum capacity of the road based on the adopted minimum level of service standard.


Coordinate long range transportation planning and traffic circulation issues with relevant state and regional agencies and local governments.

Policy 7.1.1     Coordinate transportation modifications in accordance with the Transportation Mobility Element.

Policy 7.1.2                     In establishing level of service standards for transportation facilities, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities for the indicated facilities:

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for County roads in the Gainesville urbanized area,

(c)          municipalities in Alachua County for County roads in the municipality, and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads, and

(e)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations.

Policy 7.1.3                     Alachua County shall coordinate with the applicable entities regarding the designation by municipalities and adjacent counties of constrained or backlogged roadway facilities and standards for roads within any transportation concurrency exception areas (TCEAs) or transportation concurrency management areas (TCMAs) for the following types of facilities: 

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for roads within its jurisdiction,

(c)          adjacent counties for inter-county roads.

Policy 7.1.4                     Alachua County will coordinate development of the transit component of the multi-modal transportation system detailed in the Transportation Mobility Element with municipalities, the Regional Transit System and other transportation providers, the Transportation disadvantaged programs, the Florida Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization.  This shall include review of routes and land uses for potential increases in transit usage through increases in density and intensity combined with new or expanded service, increased frequency, consideration of dedicated public transit corridors, and coordination with municipalities within Alachua County and adjacent counties to develop strategies which promote mass transit services for outlying areas (e.g., provision of express transit service and park and ride facilities).  Restoration and maintenance of a Regional Transit System bus route to the Gainesville Regional Airport shall be sought if feasible.

Policy 7.1.5                     Transportation facility construction shall continue to be coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation on State roads in the unincorporated area and municipalities on County roads within municipalities to minimize adverse impacts on traffic flow and provide alternative routes and mobility options.

Policy 7.1.6                     In order to assess and address intergovernmental traffic impacts and multi-modal approaches to transportation planning, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities concerning the indicated facilities:

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area;

(b)         municipalities in Alachua County for County roads within the municipality and municipal roads which may impact those County roads;

(c)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations;

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads;

(e)          Florida Department of Transportation, North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, and Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council to develop strategies (e.g., ride-sharing, park and ride facilities, etc.) to offset the impacts of commuter traffic on the County’s transportation network; this shall include efforts to maximize the effectiveness of the park and ride facility planned as part of FDOT’s SR 20 Intrastate expansion project, and

(f)          I-75 Corridor Council for I-75 from the Georgia State Line to Wildwood.


The coordination mechanisms shall include provisions for:

(a)          Periodic monitoring reports to be prepared by Alachua County for use by the Florida Department of Transportation in determining road improvement needs in their five-Year Work Program.

(b)         Periodic development action reports from the entity approving development orders that would result in additional traffic on County roads to monitor the capacity of County-maintained facilities and for use in Capital Improvement programming.

(c)          Procedures for verification with the County of road capacity for developments whose approval by the entity would generate traffic exceeding more than five percent (5%) of the maximum capacity of the road based on the adopted minimum level of service standard.




Coordinate long range transportation planning and traffic circulation issues with relevant state and regional agencies and local governments.

Policy 7.1.1            Coordinate transportation modifications in accordance with the Transportation Mobility Element.

Policy 7.1.2         In establishing level of service standards for transportation facilities, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities for the indicated facilities:

             (a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,


(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for County roads in the Gainesville urbanized area,

(c)          municipalities in Alachua County for County roads in the municipality, and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads, and

(e)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations.

Policy 7.1.3       Alachua County shall coordinate with the applicable entities regarding the designation by municipalities and adjacent counties of constrained or backlogged roadway facilities and standards for roads within any transportation concurrency exception areas (TCEAs) or transportation concurrency management areas (TCMAs) for the following types of facilities: 

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area and inter-jurisdictional segments,

(b)         the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for roads within its jurisdiction,

(c)          adjacent counties for inter-county roads.

Policy 7.1.4      Alachua County will coordinate development of the transit component of the multi-modal transportation system detailed in the Transportation Mobility Element with municipalities, the Regional Transit System and other transportation providers, the Transportation disadvantaged programs, the Florida Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization.  This shall include review of routes and land uses for potential increases in transit usage through increases in density and intensity combined with new or expanded service, increased frequency, consideration of dedicated public transit corridors, and coordination with municipalities within Alachua County and adjacent counties to develop strategies which promote mass transit services for outlying areas (e.g., provision of express transit service and park and ride facilities).  Restoration and maintenance of a Regional Transit System bus route to the Gainesville Regional Airport shall be sought if feasible.

Policy 7.1.5     Transportation facility construction shall continue to be coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation on State roads in the unincorporated area and municipalities on County roads within municipalities to minimize adverse impacts on traffic flow and provide alternative routes and mobility options.

Policy 7.1.6     In order to assess and address intergovernmental traffic impacts and multi-modal approaches to transportation planning, Alachua County shall coordinate with the following entities concerning the indicated facilities:

(a)          the Florida Department of Transportation for State roads in the unincorporated area;

(b)         municipalities in Alachua County for County roads within the municipality and municipal roads which may impact those County roads;

(c)          the Regional Transit System and other transit providers for transit infrastructure and operations;

(d)         adjacent counties for inter-county roads;

(e)          Florida Department of Transportation, North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, and Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council to develop strategies (e.g., ride-sharing, park and ride facilities, etc.) to offset the impacts of commuter traffic on the County’s transportation network; this shall include efforts to maximize the effectiveness of the park and ride facility planned as part of FDOT’s SR 20 Intrastate expansion project, and

(f)          I-75 Corridor Council for I-75 from the Georgia State Line to Wildwood.


The coordination mechanisms shall include provisions for:

(a)          Periodic monitoring reports to be prepared by Alachua County for use by the Florida Department of Transportation in determining road improvement needs in their five-Year Work Program.

(b)         Periodic development action reports from the entity approving development orders that would result in additional traffic on County roads to monitor the capacity of County-maintained facilities and for use in Capital Improvement programming.

(c)          Procedures for verification with the County of road capacity for developments whose approval by the entity would generate traffic exceeding more than five percent (5%) of the maximum capacity of the road based on the adopted minimum level of service standard.

Policy 7.1.7           Alachua County shall work with the Florida Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council and municipalities within Alachua County to develop the update of the Gainesville Urbanized Area Transportation System Long-range Plan.

Policy 7.1.8      Alachua County will continue to work with the railroad industry and appropriate entities, including the Florida Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, to coordinate road construction plans which involve relocation of rail facilities or improvements to rail crossings.

Policy 7.1.9           Alachua County shall coordinate with the railroad industry and appropriate entities, including the Florida Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, Alachua County School Board, and municipalities to develop re-use strategies should rail abandonments or conversions be proposed.

Policy 7.1.10      Alachua County shall work with the Florida Department of Transportation and railroad industries to address future rail plans in the County.



Coordinate the protection of the environment.

Policy 8.1.1     Alachua County shall coordinate the environmental protection of land, air, and water with the appropriate agencies and jurisdictions for the benefit of people, wildlife, and plants.

(a)       The County shall coordinate with non-governmental organizations, State and federal government agencies, municipalities and adjacent counties to extend ecologically functional linkages between ecological core areas on the Critical Ecological Corridors Map in accordance with Policy 6.3.2 of the Conservation and Open Space Element.

(b)        The County shall coordinate with municipalities to implement relevant guiding principles and action strategies to protect natural resources countywide.

Policy 8.1.2     For State, Federal, and other publicly-funded development and transportation projects, the County shall coordinate with appropriate agencies to ensure that all projects within the County demonstrate leadership standards by incorporating the highest environmental standards, while meeting or exceeding the County’s minimum standards.


