Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)

The TDR Program was established as a tool to protect the County’s environmental resources and promote viable agriculture while encouraging efficient use of services and infrastructure within the Urban Cluster. This program implements Section 9.0 of the Future Land Use Element.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the program work?

Development rights are sold or transferred by participating property owners from regulated conservation and viable agriculture areas (sending areas) to areas more suitable for development within the Urban Cluster (receiving areas).

See Chapter 402, Article 29 of the Land Development Code (ULDC) for more detailed information about transfer of development rights.

How are sending areas defined?

Agricultural Sending Areas are defined as any legally created parcel or combination of contiguous parcels that have an approved agricultural classification from the Alachua County Property Appraiser; that are located outside of the Urban Cluster; and are greater than or equal to 160 acres.

Conservation Sending Areas are defined as any legally created parcel or combination of contiguous parcels that contain Strategic Ecosystems or are on the Alachua County Forever (ACF) active acquisition list; and are greater than or equal to 160 acres.

How are receiving areas defined?

Any nonresidential development in the unincorporated area may become a receiving area through the purchase of development rights in order to reduce the amount of open space required on the development site.

Contact Us

Development Services Division
Mon-Thur: 8:30am-4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am-2:00pm
