Capacity Fees
Capacity fees are one-time charges imposed upon new development as a condition of development approval to pay for a proportionate share of the cost of improvements to the County’s infrastructure necessary to serve new growth and development. The enactment of an Impact or Mobility Fee is one of the means that Alachua County can use to expand the capacity of its transportation, park, and fire systems in order to maintain current levels of service if new development is to be accommodated without decreasing current levels of service.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Transportation Planning
- Alison Moss, Transportation Planning Manager
- County Annex Building, 2nd Floor
- 10 SW 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, Fl 32601
- Phone:352-374-5249
- Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am-2:00 pm
Ordinances & Other Important Documents
- Fire Protection Impact Fees
- Park System Impact Fee
- Mobility Fee
- Park and Fire Technical Memo
- Mobility Fee Technical Memo
- Map of Impact Fee Transportation Districts - color
- Map of Impact Fee Transportation Districts - black and white