To use the E-Permit System, you must be a State licensed contractor currently registered with the Building Department and have an Alachua County Certification number. If you are not yet registered as a Qualifier, you must fill out this registration form before you can sign up for the E-Permit System.
If you are an authorized signer and have not yet registered as an authorized signer with the building department, you must fill out the authorized signer part on page 4 of this registration form before you can sign up for the E-Permit System.
If you are currently registered with Alachua County and you have already provided the building department with your email address you can start by creating an account.
If you are currently registered with Alachua County and you have NOT already provided the building department
with your email address, please fill out this Email Registration form.
Once completed, mail, fax it to 352-491-4510 or drop it off at the Building Department at 10 SW 2nd Ave. You will receive an email with directions to create a Growth Management Online Account for E-Permits.
If you are NOT currently registered with Alachua County, please fill out this Pre-Registration form.
Once completed, please mail or drop it off at the Building Department. Faxes will not be accepted. You will receive an email with directions to create a Growth Management Online Account for E-Permits.