Zoning Districts and Uses

A picture of satellite view of a street

What is the purpose of Zoning?
Zoning of land is the tool used by the County to regulate the use of property for the purposes of protecting public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The purposes of Zoning are to regulate land use, prevent land use conflict, and allow growth to occur in a rational manner.

What's my zoning? View the Use Table

What is the difference between Zoning and Future Land Use?

Future Land Use (FLU) is a generalized approach to land use, whereas Zoning is divided up into more detailed uses that support very specific types of development. For example, the Commercial FLU designation is broken up into many Zoning districts, including BR (supports Retail uses), and BW (supports Warehouse uses).

Zoning aims to:

Zoning Districts and Requirements

Zoning districts implement the Future Land Use designations adopted on the Future Land Use Map 2040. These zoning districts also implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and other adopted maps.

Every zoning district has standards that specify development density, building height, dimensions, setback and other requirements that must be met, as outlined in Chapter 403 of the Land Development Code (ULDC).

  • Department of Growth Management
  • Jeffrey L. Hays , Growth Management Director
  • Address :
    County Annex Building, 10 SW 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, Fl 32601

