Accessory Dwelling Units

A picture of a house with a car parked in front of its garage

Accessory dwelling units (also known as accessory apartments, guest house, in-law suites, family apartments or secondary units) provide supplementary housing that are integrated into existing single family neighborhoods to provide a lower priced housing alternative with no negative impact on the character of the neighborhood. Because the units are often small and located on an existing residential property, they are typically more affordable than other conventional housing options.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Accessory Dwelling Units(ADU)?

Adding an ADU has many benefits to homeowners including giving them the ability to care for a family member and providing extra income by renting the ADU to both family members or non-family members. It also allows homeowners in need of at-home services, to offer low or rent free housing to those performing those services. The ALU provides a moderately priced rental option for low-income residents as well.

See Section 404.24 of the Land Development Code (ULDC) for more detailed information about Accessory Dwelling Units.

In what zoning districts are ADU's allowed?

One additional living unit is allowed accessory to the principal structure without counting toward gross residential density in the following residential zoning districts: RE, RE-1, R-1aa, R-1a, R-1b and R-1c in Estate Residential, Low Density, or Medium Density land use designations and in the A zoning district in Rural/Agriculture land use designation.

Accessory units have no minimum size and may be a maximum of 50% of the gross square footage of the principal residence or 1700 SF, whichever is greater.

What standards must an Accessory Dwelling Unit meet?

The following site standards must be met:

What is the Tourist Development Tax?

The Tourist Development Tax (also referred to as tourist tax, bed tax or resort tax) is a 5% charge on the revenue from rentals of six months or less. This tax applies to the short-term rental of any living quarters or accommodations in any hotel, apartment hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment, apartment motel, rooming house, tourist camp, trailer camp, condominium, room or home. The tourist development tax shall be charged by the person receiving the consideration for the lease or rental, and it shall be collected from the lessee, tenant, or customer at the time of payment.

Learn more about how to start The Tourist Development Tax Application Process.

Do I need a permit to do the short term lease as a property owner?

No permit is required for this purpose.

How do I apply for an Accessory Dwelling Unit permit?

All applications are submitted electronically through our Citizenserve permitting portal at
You will need to create a user account and then apply for the permit type ‘Accessory Dwelling Unit’ for the initial zoning approval. The zoning permit fee is $70. Once the zoning is approved, then a building permit can be submitted for construction or placement of the new home.

For questions regarding Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit, please contact the Building Division at 352-374-5243.
