Land Development Code (ULDC)

An illustration of a roundabout with buildings around

The Land Development Code (ULDC) is a collection of zoning, subdivision and other regulations that implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. New development in the unincorporated area is required to meet the standards of the ULDC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where in the ULDC can I find the boards and committees that approve development?

Chapter 401 gives the governing bodies authority to review and make decisions on Development applications.

The Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) have the power to approve or deny Comprehensive Plan Amendments, ULDC text amendments, Rezonings, Special Exceptions and Special Use Permits, among others.

The Planning Commission (PC) hears applications for Rezonings, Planned Developments, Special Exceptions, Special Use Permits and ULDC text amendments. The PC gives a recommendation to the BoCC.

The Development Review Committee (DRC) approves or denies Development Plans. This committee includes members from multiple County departments.

Where in the ULDC are the procedures and standards defined for all development applications?

Chapter 402 outlines the procedures and standards for all Development applications including the process and public hearing requirements.

Development Applications include:
Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Development Plans Platting, Rezonings, Planned Developments, Special Exceptions, Special Use Permits, Family Homestead Exceptions, Temporary Use Permits and Variances, among others.

Where in the ULDC are the uses defined for each zoning district?

Chapter 403 establishes Zoning Districts that implement the Future Land Use designations in the Comprehensive Plan, and details the purpose with a detailed description for each district. These include Residential, Commercial, Industrial and other more specialized districts.

Chapter 404 details the permitted, limited, accessory and prohibited uses for each Zoning District, as well as uses that require Special Use Permits or Exceptions.

Where in the ULDC are development standards established?

Chapter 407 includes standards that regulate new development including: Setbacks, Parking, Signs, Landscaping, Traditional Neighborhoods, Subdivision regulations, Building Design, Street Networks and Connectivity, among others.
