Development Review Committee (DRC)
The DRC approves, approves with conditions or denies all development review applications. The DRC is composed of a regular and an alternate member designated by the directors of the Growth Management, Environmental Protection and Public Works Departments. Names of members of the Development Review Committee and alternates shall be noted on the DRC agendas. The DRC regular and alternate members are not directly involved with the review of the DRC development applications. Upon application, applicants shall be advised not to contact the DRC members or alternates with regard to any item to be reviewed on the DRC agenda, to ensure the integrity of the quasi-judicial process.
The DRC typically meets the third Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm in the John R. “Jack” Durrance Auditorium, Room 209, Second Floor of the Alachua County Administration Building, 12 SE 1st Street, Gainesville, Florida.