Rural Cluster Planning
Public Workshop
- The Board of County Commissioners will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. One of the items on the Board’s agenda is a staff presentation on measuring community interest in resident-initiated special area plans.
- Date: May 27, 2014
- Time: 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard
- Location: Jack Durrance Auditorium on the 2nd Floor of the County Administration Building, located at 12 SE 1st Street in downtown Gainesville.
Click here
to view the staff presentation for the May 27th County Commission meeting.
Click here
to view the staff report titled: “Resident-Initiated Special Area Plans: Options for Measuring Community Interest”
If you have questions or comments, please contact Ben Chumley, Senior Planner at (352) 374-5249 or
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The Rural Cluster land use designation in the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan recognizes historic rural
communities located outside of the county’s urban area. There are thirteen Rural Clusters designated in the Comprehensive Plan,
with related policies addressing land use and the process for delineating boundaries for these areas.
View the currently adopted Comprehensive Plan Policies for Rural Clusters here.
View a map of Rural Clusters which are currently designated in the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan here.
The County is in the process of reviewing the policies for Rural Clusters, with specific focus on the language which calls for the delineation of precise boundaries for each of the Rural Clusters through a phased schedule of special area plans. County staff is developing draft changes to the Rural Cluster policies for review by the Board of County Commissioners at a public workshop.
Generalized Rural Cluster boundaries are shown on the interactive map below as red circles.
Click on a circle to get the cluster name and zoom into it.
For a more fully featured map click here