Development Review
To view Development Review Committee (DRC) Hearings' agendas, information about upcoming meetings and past meetings, please click DRC Meeting Site.
We review all Development Plans and Plats to assure that only the highest quality developments are built, consistent with our community's vision for a sustainable, livable, vibrant community. Development Plans include the detailed site design and engineering components for development projects including subdivisions, shopping centers, and office buildings. Example projects subject to Development Plan Review.
What is Development Plan Review?
Plan review examines a project’s impacts on its immediate neighborhood and on the County as a whole. Depending upon the project’s size, location and use, the review may address the impacts on traffic and parking, environmental protection , the design character of the area, historic buildings, and infrastructure systems (water, sewer, and other public facilities and services). Depending upon the project’s impacts, the developer may be required to change the project’s design or to take other measures to mitigate those impacts.
Plan review is divided into Preliminary and Final. Preliminary Development Plans provide a general layout of the proposed project at a lower level of detail than that required for Final Plans.
Final Development Plans provide the detailed engineering or construction drawings.
The types of applications that typically require Development Plan Review are residential subdivision, commercial, or office buildings.
The following are examples of what the Land Development Code requires for construction during the Development Review Process :
- Designation of Open Space
- Tree Protection
- Location of Buildings
- Parking Areas
- Street Networks
- Landscaping and Buffers
Projects subject to Development Review:
The following projects require approval by the Development Review Committee (DRC)
- All development plans and revisions to approved development plans.
- All subdivisions of land resulting in greater than two lots from a parent parcel.
- All mixed-use projects.
- Replats of existing lots.
- Master plans for planning parcels with significant plant and wildlife habitat or listed plant and animal species habitat.
The following projects require approval by the Board of County Commissioners
- Development plans exceeding the thresholds established in Section 402.44 of the ULDC
- Plats, including final plats, re-plats and vacation or abandonment of all or a portion of an approved plat.
- Vacation or abandonment of streets.
- Development Review
- Christine Berish 352-384-3165
- Leslie McLendon 352-374-5249
- County Annex Building, 3rd Floor
- 10 SW 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, Fl 32601
- Phone: 352-374-5249
- Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am-2:00 pm