Policies & Analysis
- Multi Modal Transportation Mitigation Adopted Ordinance
- CPA-06-10 Adopted Ordinance, Urban Service Area and Transportation Concurrency Exception Area
- CPA-06-10 Staff Report
- CPA-01-09 Staff Report
- CPA-01-09 Ordinance
- Adoption Policy Language
- Strategic Intermodal System Mitigation Plan
- ORC Response
- DCA Notice of Intent
Analysis ~/formsdocs/transportationPlanning
- CPA-06-10, Supplemental Data and Analysis
- Transit Oriented Development Analysis
- I-75 Roadway Crossing Capacity Analysis
- Trip Generation
- Level of Service
- GRU Email
- Department of Community Affairs ORC Report
Support ~/formsdocs/transportationPlanning
- TND Conceptual Plan Memo
- TND Conceptual Plan Example
- Transit-Oriented Development Guidelines
- City of Gainesville Letter
- Growing the New American Economy
- Jacksonville Transit Oriented Development
- Proportionate Share Amendment
- School District Report
Contact Us
- Building Division
- 352-374-5243
- building@alachuacounty.us
- Code Enforcement
- 352-337-6189
- kpbruning@alachuacounty.us
- Planning & Zoning
- 352-374-5249
- planning@alachuacounty.us
- Transportation
- 352-374-5249
- jhays@alachuacounty.us
- Transportation Planning
- Alison Moss, Transportation Planning Manager
- County Annex Building, 2nd Floor
- 10 SW 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, Fl 32601
- Phone:352-374-5249
- Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am-2:00 pm
- Future Highway Functional Classifications (2015)
- Future Number of Traffic Lanes (2015)
- Future Highway Functional Classifications (2030)
- Future Number of Traffic Lanes (2030)
- Future Transportation Corridor
- Rapid Transit Corridors
- Transportation Mobility Districts
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Corridors
- Express Transit Corridors
- Rapid Transit Corridors
- Transit Oriented Development
- Existing Development Patterns
- Detailed Existing Development Patterns
- Roadway & Transit Infrastructure
- Adopted Ordinance
- Final Report
- Concurrency Management
- Developer Agreement
- Vesting Proposal
- Alternatives
- Appendix A: Schedule
- Appendix B: Phasing Option 1
- Appendix C: Phasing Option 2
- Appendix D: Infrastructure Projects
- Appendix E: Transit Capital_Service
- Appendix F: Southwest TSDP